Saratov State University named after N

The university trains specialists in the most modern and in demand today...

Name Capitolina: origin and characteristics Talents and hobbies

Capitolina is a funny girl. Sweet, creative, very inquisitive, listens...

Simple step by step recipe

Good afternoon friends! What to cook for dinner? This is the question every housewife asks...

Green salad of Chinese cabbage with cucumber and wild garlic

Calories: 500.6 Cooking time: 15 Proteins/100g: 1.69 Carbohydrates/100g: 4.76...

Working-age population in the Russian Federation and in the world by year

Each country annually counts the number of its citizens. Details...

Fines from bailiffs

Last updated October 2019 To find enforcement proceedings by number...

About the pseudoscientific eccentricities of Valery Chudinov

About the author: Born in 1942. Graduated from the Physics Faculty of Moscow State University in 1967. Graduated...

Thick strawberry jam for the winter: recipe with whole berries

Hello! Very soon my favorite berry will ripen - strawberries, from which...