Quarrel between Borodino and Kurban. Ksenia Borodina divorces her husband due to infidelity

The name of Kurban Omarov became known to the general public after a high-profile marriage, and then an even louder discord with the host of Dom-2, Ksenia Borodina. IN ordinary life Kurban is a major entrepreneur working not only in Russia, but also in Canada.

Childhood and youth

Kurban was born in Dagestan, in the small village of Khadzhalmakhi in a mixed family. The boy's mother was Russian, and his father was Dagestan. Discord in the family on a national basis never arose, the mother converted to Islam, and the spouses lived in peace, following the precepts of faith. In addition to Kurban, several more boys were growing up in the family.

The father ran a business in the construction industry, provided for his family well and was a role model for his sons. Later, the family moved to Makhachkala, where Kurban spent his childhood. Due to constant moving, the boy had to change three schools during his years of study. As a child, the nickname “Winter” stuck to him, why no one remembers, but close friends call him that now.

Parents separated when Kurban was fourteen years old, and he moved to Baku with his mother. In this city, he graduated from high school. Now his mother lives in the Canadian city of Toronto. After school, his father sent Kurban to study in England, where he spent two years, after which he showed a high score at the final exams. Then Kurban returned to Russia and received higher education at home, becoming a student of the Moscow Construction University.

Carier start

For some time after graduation, the young man worked in law enforcement agencies, but not for long. It is also unknown who he worked in the police. Gradually, Kurban, following the example of his father, founded his own construction business, successfully developed it and began to receive a serious income. The business consisted in the construction of cottage settlements with a view to their further resale. This allowed him to soon buy his own apartment in the capital.

Kurban Omarov held a position in law enforcement agencies

For some time, Kurban headed Housing Initiative LLC, which was engaged in the trade in building materials. And in business circles, Omarov is also called the "diamond king", apparently, he also had or has a functioning jewelry business. It is known that Kurban developed one of the types of business overseas, establishing his own business in Canada. small company. He also does business in his native Dagestan.

Kurban Omarov manages a large construction company

In 2015, he started a new business, namely, he founded the Borodina Ksenia trademark and began selling clothes. And under this brand, they opened two beauty salons. As the name implies, Ksyusha Borodina became the face of the brand. The stores sold women's and children's clothing, but over time, the entrepreneur planned to sell men's clothing, as well as shoes and accessories. He founded this business for the sake of his beloved woman, invested money, experience, knowledge in it.

Kurban Omarov with his parents

Personal life

The first time Kurban married in his youth, even before he became a venerable and wealthy entrepreneur. In this family, his first-born son Omar was born. So he named the boy after his father. But the young people could not save the family and soon divorced.

The first wife of Kurban Omarov with their common son

The whole country witnessed Kurban's second marriage, as he married a well-known media person. At the celebration of one of the birthdays former member"House-2" and showman Stepan Menshchikov Kurban met the host of the show. Ksyusha is an attractive and charming girl, she captivated the heart of a businessman from the first evening, since then Kurban began to seek the hand of a charming woman.

They dated for three years, after which they decided to get married. A magnificent wedding took place in July 2015, and a few days after the celebration, the young, taking children from their first marriages, went to Honeymoon to Turkey. Ksyusha got married while in a position, although the lovers did not comment on these rumors. However, at the beginning of autumn, it became pointless to hide the pregnancy; in winter, Ksyusha was supposed to become a mother. At the end of December, she gave birth to a girl, Theon.

But even before the birth of his daughter, a split occurred in the family, Kurban cooled off towards his beloved, began to cheat on her, and 10 days before the birth he returned home from a nightclub at 7 in the morning. By June, rumors of a serious discord in the family reached their climax. After the lovers stopped publishing their pictures on the Internet, fans were on their guard. Soon the announcement of a divorce in the family followed. The reasons given were, among other things, that Kurban allegedly raised his hand to his wife, and she kicked him out in response.

Kurban Omarov and Ksenia Borodina at the wedding ceremony

In fact, by this time the family, as such, no longer existed. wedding anniversary former spouses noted separately: Kurban flew to Spain, Ksenia remained in Moscow. The divorce still took place. Later, Kurban wrote: “We burned like two suns, and this burned us!”

Soon there was information about the reunion of the couple.

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Little is known about the almost ex-husband of Ksenia Borodina and the father of her second daughter: businessman Kurban Omarov is 36 years old, he comes from Dagestan, he has little son Lobster. We learned about Kurban only a year and a half ago. “His name is Kurban, friends from childhood call him Winter,” the TV presenter wrote on Instagram, adding that her fiancé is a non-public person, and she is ready to protect him from any attention from the press. But it did not work out to save Kurban, and he himself did not long wish to remain in the shadows.

Quite quickly after the engagement with Borodina, Omarov got used to the status of an Instagram star and began to openly publish passionate declarations of love for Xenia. “Darling, for me a day without you is unbearable. About such as you, I dreamed all my life. You hit me so hard last night that I'm still laughing. Your humor, your attitude towards me mixed with your beauty is my wealth. I love you very much. I will always be there, we have a long way to go and I am your support. Soon the fruit of our love will appear and we will wrap it in love. You know, I'm stingy with these words, but today I step over myself and want to say this publicly. No one will oppose such love, you and I are a generator of goodness and our friends are around us. Just know I love you and I thank the Almighty that I went there that day and took it forever, ”Kurban wrote on the Web (The spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved hereinafter. — Note. ed.).


Quick wedding

Before the gossips had time to find out the minimum information about Kurban Omarov, Borodina had already set the wedding date. Joined the discussion of this news and former man Xenia, policeman Mikhail Terekhin, whom the girl met on the show "Dom-2", where Terekhin came to build love. “People want to get married, let them get married. But this is somehow hasty and, it seems to me, thoughtlessly. Yes, this pregnancy is ill-advised. I have the impression that they are trying to do everything, as if everything is fun, wonderful and cool, but in their hearts they really have cats scratching, ”Terekhin shared with reporters.

The wedding of Ksenia and Kurban took place on July 3 last year, at that time the bride was already in position. A few days after the wedding, the newlyweds, along with their children from past relationships, went on a honeymoon to Ksyusha's beloved Turkey.

Secret pregnancy

Ksenia found out about her second pregnancy in the spring, when she and Kurban were just preparing for the wedding. The lovers wanted to get married in September, but plans had to be changed. The star did not comment on the guesses of the fans in any way, however, Ksenia did not manage to hide her position for long - rumors about her position began to appear long before the official confirmation of pregnancy.

In anticipation of the birth of the baby, Ksenia arranged a baby shower party, to which she invited her closest friends. Among those who came to rejoice for Borodina was Alena Vodonaeva, a former member of Dom-2, whose name will still appear in our history ... in connection with completely different events.

Birth of Theona

On December 22, baby Thea was born in the family. The 33-year-old TV presenter gave birth to a girl at the Mother and Child perinatal center in Moscow. Just a month after the second birth, Ksenia Borodina returned to her normal rhythm of life and resumed work at Dom-2. Helping her wards build love, Borodina at the same time could not cope with her relationship ...

General business

The daughter is not the only "common achievement" of the newlyweds. Ksenia admitted that keeping own business arranged by her husband. “I want to thank my husband that he believed in me and opened 2 beauty salons for me this year and helped me with the business at @borodina_shop_ He believed in me, invested money, soul, time, his knowledge, etc. I am very grateful him that in addition to having a bunch of his own affairs and meetings, he gives himself to my business too! It is so important when people believe in you! I'm a terrible coward and very afraid of experiments, but he believes in me! And of course, thank you for buying our clothes!” Borodina said on Instagram. It is this business that can now become a bone of contention between divorcing spouses. However, Borodina stated that she no longer has anything to do with the Borodina-shop clothing store. The TV presenter claims that she was deceived by business partners.

First bells

In mid-June, the couple's fans sounded the alarm because the couple hadn't posted for weeks joint photos. Rumors intensified when Kurban did not appear at the birthday party of Ksenia Marusya's daughter. Gossips assured that the man raised his hand to his wife, and she, in turn, kicked Omarov out. According to the participants of "House-2", Ksenia gave her husband a scene of jealousy, after which the couple sorted things out for a long time and Kurban pushed his wife hard. According to them, after this incident, Ksenia did not want to see the businessman and was soon to announce a divorce. Ksenia really announced the divorce, and in a rather harsh form, but before that she ignored questions about the discord and asked to be left alone. “I will answer everyone at once, who will ask about his personal life. I am very pleased that you are experiencing such a huge amount, I am pleased that many people think about this and write to me, but let's leave the personal to the personal. Please don’t pull me, ”Ksenia said during a broadcast on Periscope.

This is the end

July 3 wedding anniversary Ksenia and Kurban celebrated separately. Borodina spent this day in the company of her friends in the country restaurant Novorizhskaya Zastava. The girls were together until the very evening, and Kurban Omarov did not appear in the restaurant, and later flew to Spain with actress Nastasya Samburskaya. They left to rest, or the trip was business, the young people did not tell. Ksenia’s comment on this matter was not long in coming: “I don’t care about such narrow-minded women like her, except for the pity that she is like the rest of the loners. Let them show their insecurity and try to PR at the expense of me. And so life punished them! They live by me, and I live my life.” Perhaps it was this act of Omarov that finally brought Borodina out of herself: she decided to announce the divorce publicly.

The truth about change

Last week, a frank and emotional post appeared on Borodina's Instagram, in which Ksenia accused her husband of cheating even when she was on last month pregnancy. “It’s just that this is the father of the child, so I’m trying more worthily (as far as the dirty situation allows) to file a divorce. There are many reasons, I thought it could be loving husband And caring father(how he exposes himself to the public) But I remember this night of December 12 for the rest of my life, my husband came home at 7 in the morning from another party, and I had 10 days left before giving birth! All that is written about treason is pure truth and I found out about it. I even know the apartment of our mutual friend (Grisha Zhuzhin), who “covered” his tough parties with betrayals. I wish health to such Yulia, Tanya, Oksana and everyone else. If you want to sleep with the peasant Borodina, if you are not afraid, we all walk under God. It may seem to you that this is a piece of glory, but in fact you are unlikely to wash off such dirt for the rest of your life. I lived in rose-colored glasses, was pregnant and believed my husband, I thought that Thea would be born and his parties would end, he would take his daughter in his arms and come to his senses. But this did not happen, he likes to take one photo a week for subscribers and leave after 5 minutes. Someday I will tell the whole truth, but for now I want to say that no matter how many children and marriages you have, the main thing is to remain devoted to yourself! Borodina wrote. Later it became known that the TV presenter hired a lawyer, Alexander Dobrovinsky, who specializes in divorces of famous people.

Word for Kurban

After the recognition of Borodina, Omarov also decided to break the silence. Kurban wrote on Instagram that he misses his daughter Thea very much. The businessman is upset that now he will rarely see the baby. Omarov hopes that he and Borodina will be able to agree on the upbringing of the girl. Omarov also commented on the relationship with Ksenia: “There are no two camps here, and you do not need to take a position. I was born in a man's family, and my upbringing is appropriate. I will not allow myself all sorts of statements in the direction of the woman to whom I spoke words of love, the woman who bore me a daughter with blue eyes like the sky. I won’t write anything in my own defense, I don’t want this controversy, and I won’t allow anyone to offend or insult little Theona’s mother. Ksenia is a caring mother who constantly pays attention to children, despite her busy schedule. We had an honest, sincere love, we burned like two suns and, unfortunately, it burned us.”

On her Instagram page, she wrote a public appeal, to which she was motivated by the post of ex-beloved Kurban Omarov about tenderness, devotion and love. Apparently, Ksyusha could not stand the cynicism of the situation and decided to put an end to it.

It's just that this is the father of the child, so I try to get a divorce more worthy (as far as the dirty situation allows). There are many reasons, I thought he could be a loving husband and a caring father (as he exposes himself to the public). But I remembered this night of December 12 for the rest of my life, my husband came home at 7 in the morning from another party, and I had 10 days left before giving birth!

I lived in rose-colored glasses, was pregnant and believed my husband, I thought that Thea would be born and his parties would end, he would take his daughter in his arms and come to his senses. But this did not happen, he prefers to take one photo a week for subscribers and leave in 5 minutes, by the way, everyone who writes about Ama, I love him very much and I'm sorry that he can't come to our house anymore! In the meantime, I live for the sake of my children, for myself and loved ones..p.s and remember whose wife you are: Dagestan, Chechen, Russian, Armenian, it doesn’t matter at all, the main thing is you are a woman who deserves respect, love and care for yourself and your kids!!! Someday I will tell the whole truth, but for now I want to say that no matter how many children and marriages you have, the main thing is to remain devoted to yourself! And I would never allow you to rent for money and sell you my family, my refusal was right decision, I will not allow any person (even my husband) to sell us!!

After such a bold statement by Ksenia Borodina, the fans simply exploded with indignation because of the behavior, because until recently everyone admired his touching attitude towards children. I wonder if the unfortunate husband will react to such a statement by Borodina.

Recall that recently it became known about.

Many viewers of the TNT channel were interested in the question of what Kurban Omarov does? This person interested everyone after the fans of the TV show "Dom-2" became aware of the wedding of the TV presenter of the project Ksenia Borodina, which took place on July 3.

Borodina's husband Kurban Omarov who is he?

As her next chosen one, the TV presenter chose businessman Kurban Omarov. He turned 35 this year. According to preliminary data, the husband of Ksenia Borodina moved to Moscow not so long ago. Exists various information about what a young entrepreneur does. One version was that he has a network jewelry stores in the capital and other regions. Kurbat Omarov is also presented as a transportation organizer. In Moscow and Makhachkala, more than ten companies were registered in his name, among which there are taxi services.

among the people future husband the famous TV presenter was not known until information about their engagement appeared.

The first wife of Kurban Omarov

Before meeting Ksenia Borodina, the young entrepreneur was a family man. He had a wife with whom he raised his son. On this moment the newlyweds carefully hide the fact. All attempts by journalists to declassify their little secret have not been successful. It is only known that Kurban divorced his wife at the beginning of 2014.

As for Ksenia Borodina, she was also previously married. Her ex-husband was a young businessman Yuri Budagov, whom she met at a party on the TNT channel.

The husband could not stand the busy work schedule of the TV presenter, because of which she was unable to support her family, and filed for divorce about three years ago. From her first marriage, Ksenia Borodina had a daughter named Marusya. The little girl and the son of Kurban Omarov were also present at lavish wedding newlyweds.

Kurban Omarov - nationality

As soon as photos of a couple in love appeared on the network, fans of the TV presenter immediately asked the question of what nationality her new fan. As it became known, he recently moved to Moscow in order to expand the network of his business. A young man was born and lived earlier in Dagestan. Ros Kurban Omarov in the village of Khadzhapmakhi and was brought up according to Muslim traditions. At young spouse there are also Russian roots, since his mother is of this nationality. The father is also a Dagestani. Kurban grew up in big family He has several older and younger brothers.

Ksenia Borodina is Armenian by nationality. Unfortunately, her family broke up when the young presenter was not even one year old. After that, her mother successfully married an Italian. The girl was raised by her grandparents, who live in Moscow. Ksyusha Borodina became known to the whole world after the release of the show "House 2".

Acquaintance and first meeting

About all the details, about how the relationship between Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov developed, it became known recently. Before that, the famous TV presenter carefully concealed her personal life. She talked about him several times on her show, but cryptically called him Mr Z. Fans tried to find out who he really was, but they could only guess. Journalists also asked a lot of questions about this. One beautiful presenter only told everyone that she dreams of trying again to start a family and give birth to a baby.

Until the moment Kurban Omarov met Ksenia, he was registered on several dating sites. Moreover, everywhere there was a note that he needed an exceptionally wealthy lady. The couple met about three years ago. Xenia and her new chosen one met at the birthday party of Stepan Menshikov, a former participant in the Dom 2 project.

The young presenter admitted that a spark slipped between them at the solemn event. They were prevented from starting a relationship by the fact that they were both in relationships with other people. However, soon the lovers could no longer restrain their feelings and decided to try to be together.

Wedding with Ksyusha Borodina

The wedding of Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov took place on July 3, 2015. For all fans of the TV presenter, this news was sudden. However, in fact, the couple planned the main celebration of their lives in early March. At first, the wedding was scheduled for autumn, but the lovers decided to play it a little earlier.

After the wedding, the young wife said that her dream had come true, and the event went exactly as she wanted. Ksenia also announced her endless happiness. Fans learned that their favorite presenter got married for the second time in the popular social network where she posted photos with her new husband. The magnificent event was held in one of the restaurants of the capital. A huge number of relatives and friends were invited to it, among which were the participants of the famous project.

Video from the wedding:

Newlyweds for a long time thought about where they would go on their honeymoon. Ultimately, they decided that they would spend their vacation in Turkey. They went there after the wedding, where they spent 13 days. Ksenia Borodina managed to call her friends and tell them about how new husband constantly makes her romantic surprises.

There is also a rumor that Ksenia Borodina is expecting a baby again. However, she did not give official confirmation about this.

Yes, until now, fans are actively robbing information about what businessman Kurban Omarov is doing? There are many rumors about this. Someone is sincerely happy for the young couple, but there are people who believe that this wedding is another PR move. However, none of this matters. The main thing is that the young presenter, now, is insanely happy. She does not get tired of rejoicing and publishes information on the network about how she loves her husband. For example, on their first wedding anniversary, which took place 3 July, she told the whole world that it was insanely nice to be his wife.

Video about Borodina's husband

In an interview with reporters, he told why he fell in love with a Russian TV star.

I didn’t start dating Ksenia Borodina, but with the girl Ksyusha, whom I fell in love with. Her popularity remained overboard. This is what happens to this day. The most important thing is us, the rest later.

Since the relationship of the couple developed very rapidly, Ksyusha and Kurban had to swear a lot before getting used to each other. At the same time, they broke the dishes more than once.

Of course, we, like many couples, took time to get used to. Even water wears down a stone, so it was not difficult for Ksyusha to undermine me. Today we live together, in love and harmony.

And since both couples have a strong leadership character, it was not easy for the lovers to create the atmosphere in the house that they have now.

I think you yourself know that Ksyusha is not a quiet lake, but a 12-point storm. But the main thing is to build such a boat to stay on it in this very storm. Moreover, I myself am the same storm. And, believe me, we are not bored in our boat. Ksyusha is explosive, mischievous, life is in full swing in her. And I really like this feature in her. We come to rest, and, if it were my will, I would lie around the pool all day long, and Ksyusha will definitely take us somewhere to watch something. Recently we were in Rome (where, by the way, I also like to sit in a cafe and look at tourists) and thanks to Ksyusha we walked around the whole city on foot, we reached the island of Capri. She is a motor person who also energizes other people, and I really like that.

And although there was a very difficult stage in the life of Borodina and Omarov, which was also accompanied by increased media attention, they still did not leave their boat of love broken, but made efforts to save their families and raise their children in love.

There is no secret. It’s just that sometimes, when spouses quarrel or even break up, they forget that they love each other and turn into real enemies. The most important and at the same time difficult thing is to choose a person. If you have made a choice, be loyal to your man. And then, no matter what happens, you will hold on to your relationship, and the little things that used to infuriate you in someone else suddenly lose their meaning. You stop reacting to what you used to react to, because you really love and understand that this person is your whole life.

Cheating wife